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    Wednesday, November 16, 2011

    Sub Cheating Garners IG Investigation

    The Navy Times today reports (via AP) that the sub force's Inspector General is now looking into cheating on submarines.

    This is an outgrowth of the Memphis cheating scandal, and IG Pat Urello says:
    "We have powers to take corrective action if corrective action is warranted”
    I have little doubt that there is what could be considered cheating going on quite often, and the solution is to decide whether exams are intended to actually test people's knowledge, or are they used for some competitive purposes. 

    My two cents is if the submarine force wants to remove this problem, we must remove examinations from ORSE.  Let the ORSE board examine records, and seek OQE that the ship is administering exams and that knowledge is being tested, but we are going to need to move from the days of self-administered exams to something more centralized,and less prone to corruption.

    I don't know what that looks like, but this has always been too tempting an area to fool around with, and this is a systemic problem, not an individual one, despite what the force's preconceived, or wishful notions are.

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