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    Friday, July 25, 2008

    Media Bias, need we say any more on this subject!

    Again, Drudge links us over to another study on media bias, this time, based on contributions from individuals and self-reporting of their employers.

    There are a couple of interesting tidbits, beyond the conclusion that the media supported with their pocketbook, Democrats by a 100:1 ratio.

    Interesting among these are that at Fox, that hotbed of Right-Wing nuts, Dems received $40.7k while Republicans got $0. With that almost $40.7k of donations, Fox was third, trailing NBC ($105k), CBS ($45.5k), and Time ($41k). However, each of those organizations also had employees donate to the GOP (albeit the total was $8.2k).

    I invite all to read my previous post on the Harvard study proving talk radio was less biased than the mainstream media.

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