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    Tuesday, March 9, 2010

    Mr. Obama - A Poem

    My 17 year old son's a budding musician who wants to be featured on this blog.  He had to write a poem for school, so he settled on political commentary.

    To wit:

    Oh, Mr. Obama, I dislike you so
    Your taxes and policies taking my dough
    You closed down the jail that imprisoned my foes
    Oh, Mister Obama, I dislike you so.

    Hey Mister Obama, you're not very cool
    I don't like your idea of big government rule
    The people who voted for you must be fools
    Hey, Mister Obama, you're not very cool.

    This Mister Obama, we can't even bear
    It's getting so bad, so far from repair
    Let's pray they don't pass this stupid health care
    This Mister Obama, we can't even bear...

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    He's pretty brave if he did this for school. Most schools these days are notorious for lack of tolerance for dissention.