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    Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    Red Eye vs. Canada - Get a grip Canucks

    The Canadians and my fave Fox Show, Red Eye, are having a little dust-up over a segment on Red Eye where Greg Gutfeld (the host) mocked the Canadian Army's comments that they would need a year to recover from their part in the Afghan War (among his satirical comments, Gutfeld said, "it would make a great time to invade Canada.")

    Look, it's no secret that many of our allies (the Brits and Aussies, notably excluded) have chosen to assist us in Afghanistan in less than dangerous ways, even though the War there is an article 5 NATO operation. These pansies, all of them, deserve some criticism, and, while we all mourn the loss of any allied soldiers, let's face it, we are bearing the brunt of this war, and not the rest of our allies. Hell, if they had their way (here, I will exclude just the Aussies), they would join the cut-and-run Obama crowd. They may get their chance.

    Anyway, apparently, Gutfeld has (mostly) bitten the bullet and apologized. Of course, on twitter he quipped that the Canadians could probably beat the Belgians. I think he doesn't give the Canadians enough credit. They could probably beat the French, too.


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