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    Saturday, March 8, 2008

    Time Magazine: Does Anyone Read it Anymore?

    Last night, I dropped by some friends' of ours house to leave some things for them, and I noticed that they had a recent copy of Time magazine. Now, I must admit, I do not get my news from Time, or Newsweek, or any of their ilk.

    However, growing up in a family of journalists, I remember Time, US News, and the occasional Life or Newsweek laying around my house. Oh, and Sports Illustrated, too.

    My magazine reading doesn't extend past Car & Driver and National Review, and I/T industry rags, which I get for free.

    But, I digress, so back to the story, which is that apparently, Time is in serious trouble. Why? Because, there's less advertising in Time than there is in those I/T trade rags that managed to survive the 2000/2001 Internet bubble bursting. I mean, National Review, which I always found pathetic in its lack of advertising and constant begging for donations, has more ads in it than Time.

    You've all probably seen the circulation numbers for Daily Newspapers, and, I have twice cancelled subscriptions to Sports Illustrated after non-sports-relate leftists screeds, so , I think we can take some solace in the fact that, although John McCain is who we have to vote for, no one reads the leftists "news"magazines, the mainstream newspapers, network news, or listened to Air America (apparently, no one got paid there, either).

    Nothing more here!

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