If everyone who thinks CO2 is a pollutant would hold their breath for twenty minutes the problem would solve itself.— CSM (@usacsmret) December 21, 2016
Dear liberals:
Spreading my wisdom for all to enjoy. Where I do little research and pass off my opinion as fact, then close debate by reminding you, "I'm right, you're wrong."
If everyone who thinks CO2 is a pollutant would hold their breath for twenty minutes the problem would solve itself.— CSM (@usacsmret) December 21, 2016
'Today, when we talk about Americans boldly going where no man has gone before, we mean the ladies' bathroom. Progress."
The French State Council recently ruled that a video featuring children with Down syndrome will not be permitted to air on French television because the children’s smiles would “disturb the conscience of women who had lawfully made different personal life choices”—in other words, seeing these children happy would upset women who had aborted children suspected of having the syndrome. The award-winning “Dear Future Mom” video shows young people with Down syndrome from around the world speaking in a variety of languages about being able to learn to write and to ride a bike, hug their mothers and go to school, earn money and live on their own. In France, 86 percent of babies who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome are aborted. Why should anyone’s conscience be at risk of being disturbed over this?Why, indeed, in a culture of death, should we disturb anyone for their "choices."
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”Personally, if that were backed up by some actual reporting that would shed light on it, I would find it much more damning. As it is, it sounds like so much of Trumpland, bluster, probably for the specific audience.
"I want to appoint Supreme Court justices who understand the way the world really works, who have real-life experience, who have not just been in a big law firm and maybe clerked for a judge and then gotten on the bench, but, you know, maybe they tried some more cases, they actually understand what people are up against."In other words, the judges will use as their basis for examining law "the way the world works." Or, more accurately the way Hillary Clinton and her friends on the Progressive Left think the world works.
"Because I think the current court has gone in the wrong direction. And so I would want to see the Supreme Court reverse Citizens United and get dark, unaccountable money out of our politics. Donald doesn’t agree with that."She wants to remove the right of people to freely assemble and gut the First Amendment. Citizens United was correctly decided and some may recall it was a case about a film that was about HILLARY CLINTON. Basically, this bitch wants to throw out the First Amendment due to spite.
"I would like the Supreme Court to understand that voting rights are still a big problem in many parts of our country, that we don’t always do everything we can to make it possible for people of color and older people and young people to be able to exercise their franchise."Voting Rights are NOT a big problem. States that have tough ID laws for voting have little fraud, and they all provide state-issued IDs for free, and in many cases, allow provisional ballots to be cast even to those without IDs. Fair elections without fraud are fundamental to the integrity of our system. Requiring voters to produce an ID that proves who they are is not too much to ask. But, it prevents voter fraud that Democrats like to practice, so it must be cast as racist and enshrined into law by Jurists in Robes, since no state legislature will allow such shenanigans.
"I want a Supreme Court that will stick with Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose, and I want a Supreme Court that will stick with marriage equality."It's ok for a Liberal to have an abortion litmus test, but God forbid a conservative have one. If you get Hillary Clinton, you get abortion on demand. Forever. You'll also get further erosion in religious liberty. Liberals dream of the only day you get the chance to practice your religion as being Sunday between 9:30-11. They'll further gut the First Amendment to get it.
Something like this:
I have traveled around this country the last year or so, and I have met and gotten to know so many wonderful people. It has offered me the opportunity to do a lot of soul searching and self-reflection, and you know, there are a lot of things I did in my life that were not proud moments for me. They reflected my great love of my self, and as I have aged, I have realized that this country is so much more important than me. That's why I am subjecting myself to this, because I want to change things.
What you heard this week was one of those awful, locker-room type conversations that many men have. I've these conversations with Bill Clinton and others, who I won't reveal because they didn't sign up for this.
But that doesn't make them right and I understand that my personal behavior in the past was just terrible, and terribly disrespectful to women.
You can see that my children, despite my failings, of which there are many, have turned out pretty well. I hope you know I feel about this country as I feel about them. I love every American just like these kids. (if he can choke back a tear here, that would be good)
For my personal past behavior, I confess I have not been a paragon of virtue and the opposition probably has more to slam me with. They want to make this election about me, and not about the change we so desperately need. I can't stop them from trying to divert attention from there failed agenda.
All I can so is there are many wonderful people who I know pray for me every day to improve, and I thank them.
To you, the American people, I apologize and I simply ask for your forgiveness.
"I may have said intemperate things about a disgruntled employee who didn't maintain the brand image, but I have never, and would never, defend a rapist or turn on his victims."Period. Done. Your last word.
Earth needs a virtual country: #Rationalia, with a one-line Constitution: All policy shall be based on the weight of evidence— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) June 29, 2016
"It's been shown that those who disagree with State scientists are rabble rousers and henceforth will be jailed in work camps."@neiltyson— David Walsh, Jr. (@jeffersonianguy) June 29, 2016
As men like him have done for ages, Tyson dreams of a world of self-evident choices, overseen by men of reason such as himself who occupy a position that we cannot help but notice is godlike. It’s nice to imagine ruling from an Olympus of Reason, with men and nations arrayed before one as on a chessboard. Down here on Earth, the view is rather different, and the lines of sight inside the epistemic horizon are not nearly so long as our would-be rulers imagine.
Once upon a time, liberals portrayed the procedure of abortion as a thing regrettable but sometimes necessary. This was the cottony, “safe, legal, and rare” piety of yesteryear. That old rhetorical dressing has been ripped off for good. Today, The Daily Show is taking a tut-tutting in the media for having tweeted to its 4.25 million followers a comment that some find tasteless: “Celebrate the #SCOTUS ruling! Go knock someone up in Texas!” The indignation is faux. Under the logic of secularist progressivism today, the only thing regrettable about abortion is that there isn’t more of it.
"In a time where we have Leftist Supreme Court justices claiming being a 'wise Latina' is a qualification for a judge, is it any wonder that I can't get a fair shake from a Latino judge? After all, the Left has been telling Hispanics for years that the only way forward for them is to be treated as special snowflakes who can't do it on their own, they need the benevolent hand of their Leftists benefactors. Well, I KNOW they can do it on their own. I see Hispanics who have immigrated here legally working hard every day and they can make it without Hillary Clinton swooping down with some special government goodies stolen from someone else, they can live the American dream and own businesses and employ others and share that dream. But they can't do it while the Left is holding them down and making them losers, who only win when the Left decides they can share in the ill gotten spoils from the crooks who stole it. They can't. Believe me, when Trump is president, they will."